1301 Harrison Street San Francisco CA 94103
Contact: Claudio Mariani
Tel 415.541.7868 ~ Fax 415.487.3950

Italy  04723  M000571

A Mid 18th Century Venetian Chinoiserie Secretaire, the top crested with a playful chinoiserie giltwood figure flanked by giltwood dragons, above two doors opening to reveal a red polychrome interior of shelving and drawers, and resting upon a chest of three wide drawers, atop shaped bracket feet, the whole a luminous exemplar of Venetian chinoiserie adorned with whimsical scenes

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Rare 18th Century Tuscan Walnut Archival, most likely created for the Palazzo Leopoldo, the base composed of five paneled doors centered with baguette moulded panels crested with parquetry stellates of alternating exotic woods along with conforming intricate stringing, the upper portion with five doors inset with grillwork surmounted with demilune aureolas, and the whole raised and divided by stepped and moulded pilasters

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Late 18th Century French Neoclassical Six-Drawer Mahogany and Parcel-Gilt Linen or Lingerie Cabinet, the variegated white and grey marble top surrounded on three sides with a fretted brass gallery, each drawer with a squared neoclassical pull and escutcheon, framed on each side by gilt fluting, with the whole raised on squared tapering legs terminating in brass sabots

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century French Louis XVI Mahogany Semainier, retaining its original gray marble top above seven functioning drawers, the front flanked by stop-fluted columns and the whole with brass accents and raised on four round tapering legs terminating in toupie feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Russian Mahogany Secretaire accented with brass appliqués and surmounted by a broken pediment atop doors opening to reveal three shelves, with a shaped slant front fitted with drawers and cubbies, above an expanding slide with leather writing surface, all all above three wide drawers, the whole raised on bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century French Mahogany and Bronze Doré Bookcase of neoclassical form with three sections each with four shelves

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Pair of 19th Century Mahogany Italian Neoclassical Empire Double Bookcases with metal grillwork and shirred curtains on both the upper and lower cabinets

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Late 18th Century English Mahogany Tallboy Chest on Chest, of superb quality and beautifully figured mahogany, with moulded canted cornice, reeded canted sides to the upper section, and 7 drawers, two short and 5 long

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century English Satinwood Breakfront in the neoclassical style, with brass grates covering four paneled doors, surmounting one long center drawer disguised as two smaller drawers and flanked by four more small drawers, all above four doors opening to reveal a spacious cabinet with storage compartments on either side

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Louis XV French Oak Buffet a Deux Corps with four blind doors, two long in the upper section and two smaller in the base, and all crested with a domed cornice

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An Incomparable 18th Century Venetian Chinoiserie Secretaire with full shaped domed cornice cresting two doors opening to reveal a red polychrome interior of shelving above candle stands and slant front bureau with fully fitted and conforming interior upon a chest of two small and two wide drawers with the whole exhibiting Venetian Chinoiserie at its stylized best and raised on flattened bun feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An Unusual Concave 18th Century German Walnut and Parquetry Bureau with with multiple drawer cabinet above a fall front revealing a fitted desk interior resting on a base with three long drawers and raised on flattened bun feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Bavarian Secretaire with 19th Century Etched Bone and Pewter Inlays depicting a stag hunting scene and floral motifs, the shaped top above two mirrored cabinets and a slant front opening to reveal a fitted interior with secret compartment and original colored leather writing surface, above three drawers raised on bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Pair of 18th Century Rosewood Encoignures with two lower tiers of tamboured marquetry doors below mirrored etageres and accented with brass banding

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A 19th Century French Provincial Cherrywood Bonnetiere, the moulded cornice above two large cabinet doors separated by two drawers all mounted with original steel hardware, and with the whole carved with primitive wheat, foliate and floral motifs above a scrolling conforming apron and raised on short shaped feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century English Walnut George III Secretaire with an elegantly simple stepped cornice above two beveled mirror doors that open to reveal three shelves, above a slant front desk fitted with drawers, cubbies and a leather writing surface, and with support lopers below along with four graduated drawers, the whole raised on bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Rare and Important 18th Century Burl Walnut Double Domed Queen Anne Linen Press Bureau Cabinet, the upper portion crested with domed sides and front above two conforming mirrored doors that open to five drawers, the lower portion fitted with a hidden pullout writing surface above five drawers, one faux that opens to reveal a fitted bureau, and the whole raised on bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Italian Ashwood Corner Cabinet with satinwood inlay

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A 19th Century English Walnut Highboy with stepped cornice above four graduated doors in the top portion and three larger matching drawers in the lower portion, all raised on bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century English Oak Sideboard Cabinet with open shelves above and a cupboard below with two doors and six drawers for storage

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Italian Rosewood and Parquetry Bureau Secretaire with three mirrors accented with floral and foliate etching above a parquetry slant front with satinwood stringing, the whole opening to exquisite serpentine fitted interiors of drawers, shelves and cubbies above three wide drawer raised on a moulded base with flattened bun feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Monumental 17th Century Walnut and Parcel-Gilt Tuscan Palazzo Archival Bookcase, in two parts, the top portion with a cornice comprised of multiple stepped and moulded plinths above columns embellished with carved and parcel gilt trailing husk motifs flanking three sections of open shelves, each with six shelves each, and the bottom with four keyed compartments with fielded panel doors raised on a stepped plinth base

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An Extremely Rare Early 18th Century Queen Anne Corner Cabinet with c-scrolls and a floral and foliate decorative motif in red, green and gold tones on a black lacquer field, the whole raised on a conforming stand with cabriole legs and pied de biche feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Italian Reggio Emilian Walnut Sideboard Credenza, the backboard crested with fretted rocaille carving flanking turned and peaked finials, above a lockable cabinet, multiple shelves, drawers, storage areas and doors featuring, and the whole embellished with Louis elaborate carving details including cartouches, floral motifs, volute scrolls and raised on turned egg and dart spiral-carved feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An Impressive 18th Century Dutch Black Chinoiserie Cabinet of serpentine shape with double paneled doors above a bombé base of three small drawers above three vertically stacked wide drawers, with the whole raised on shaped bracket feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A 19th Century German Biedermeier Mahogany Breakfront Bureau crested with giltwood finials at each corner of the stepped cornice above four glazed upper section doors, and a central concealed slant front bureau with fitted interior, the bureau flanked by two side compartments accentuated with bone columns, above three center drawers and two side cabinet doors, with the whole raised on simple stile feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Fifteen Door 18th Century English Mahogany Apothecary Cabinet, used to store mortar and pestles, scales, measuring spoons and other accessories and ingredients needed to make different medicines since, unlike modern pharmacies, Georgian era apothecaries made the medicines they sold, with the upper six doors fitted with locks to secure the poisons and rarest materials and the bottom six doors now faux fronts for three later double deep storage drawers on glides

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An Italian Louis XVI Fiddleback Walnut Semainier of Exceptional Proportions, the original top of breccia grey marble above seven drawers raised on elongated toupie feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Normandy Buffet a Deux Corps in ashwood with exceptional rinceau carving on the two upper and lower panel doors of acanthus and ribbon tied florals, with the family initials and year of 1778 carved into the central traverse, resting on scrolled feet

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Unique 18th Century Provençal Polychrome Italian Armoire, with two doors sans traverse depicting a lush pastel scene of an aristocrat out for a ride on his country estate (Rerum Novatrix Natura) with his entourage and preparing to dismount onto a stool brought by a servant

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

An 18th Century Louis XV/XVI Transitional Provincial Walnut Vaisselier Horloge with a central pilaster inset with a clock below a shaped gendarme cornice and accentuated with two shaped inverted spindles at each corner, flanking four shelves, five drawers, and 5 cabinets with cartouche inset panel doors, the whole above a shaped apron on short cabriole legs

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

Italy  04723  M000571

A Fine 19th Century English Regency Flame Mahogany Bureau Bookcase of breakfront form with a stepped cornice above four glazed and moulded doors, two large flanked by two narrow, resting on a fitted pullout bureau with lion-head ring pulls and surrounded by multiple storage cabinets with fielded doors

Height: ~108″; Width: 55 1/2″: Depth: 27 3/4″

© 2022 C. Mariani Antiques, Restoration & Custom
Any reproduction, copy, or duplication of this design is prohibited