1301 Harrison Street San Francisco CA 94103
Contact: Claudio Mariani
Tel 415.541.7868 ~ Fax 415.487.3950

England  4572  M00541

A 19th Century English Import Chinoiserie Black Lacquer Games or Cocktail Table with later gate leg stand, that when closed creates a 10 1/2″ deep profile, the foldable game board with Chinoiserie detailing throughout, the board has one side for playing chess (chess pieces not included) and the other side with a complete backgammon board

Height (closed): 26 1/4″; Height (expanded): 24 1/2″; Width: 20 1/8″; Depth (closed): 10 1/2″; Depth (open): 20 1/2″

© 2022 C. Mariani Antiques, Restoration & Custom
Any reproduction, copy, or duplication of this design is prohibited