1301 Harrison Street San Francisco CA 94103
Contact: Claudio Mariani
Tel 415.541.7868 ~ Fax 415.487.3950

Spain  4654  M00572

A 16th Century Spanish Walnut and Leather Vargueño on a later stand, the rectangular chest retaining its original iron handles, lock and key, the fall front with iron and leather appliqués and opening to reveal a fitted interior with 19 drawers and cabinets of various sizes, the stand with support lopers and barley sugar twist legs joined by an H-shaped stretcher centered with an urn finial and terminating in flattened bun feet

Height: 61 1/4″; Width 41 1/8″; Depth (closed w/o key): 16 1/2″; Depth (open): 38 1/2″

© 2022 C. Mariani Antiques, Restoration & Custom
Any reproduction, copy, or duplication of this design is prohibited